Family Pie Chart

The Family Tree Snapshot

Above is the current family tree in a Fan Chart.  Unfortunately, the chart only displays out through 10 generations whereas my actual tree goes much further in some lines. There are many ways of presenting the material, however, at this point the data is very large. This layout works for overall visual glimpse of the entire structure but not worthwhile for study or in-depth review.

Immediately one sees where data is missing and that helps me to choose where to research next.  Unfortunately I have a hit dead ends in some family lines and I can only hope to repair them in the future. The plan is to use this chart to assist when writing about an ancestor so that it’s easy to see where they fall in the entire tree. Another way of defining one ancestral tree from another is to number the ancestors. I have not used this process as of this date but I may need to apply this approach in the near future.